‘But You Were There’ is a short documentary in the making about the impact of miscarriages.

1 in 4 pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. Despite increasing openness about this topic, people who experience a miscarriage often face misunderstanding and well-intentioned but trivializing reactions, leading them to shut down and feel alone in this. This film aims to change that.

A personal documentary by me, Janna Stolp, about the miscarriages of a dear friend and others who have gone through similar experiences. How do you process such a loss? You'll witness intimate conversations about suppressed coping mechanisms, well-meaning responses, and the fear of judgment. Additionally, you'll be part of beautiful rituals that pay tribute to this loss. The film touches on the universal theme of loss and how we deal with it.

Follow instagram.com/maarjewaserwel for updates.